Saturday, 26 October 2013

Living in Two Places at Once

For the last month and a half, we've been living in 2 places.  We have our house and we have an apartment.  Kirk's work gave us all of 2 weeks notice that he was being temporarily transferred to a different location so he could get someone trained to be manager.  I'm not a very organized person, but i had to arrange times to look at apartments, try and keep the kids lives normal, and pack what we needed.  The transition has been fairly difficult for all of us, especially Levi, who doesn't handle change well.
We spent 5 weeks with no couch, still don't have proper beds, and we are all tired and grumpy.  Every second or third day off, we head back to the house, to pack a few more things in our tiny car so we can live normally.
We did find a house sitter, thankfully, so that one stress is gone.  But with it, comes the stress of having to clean that place up before he moves in!  As I said, i'm not very organized.  The house is clean, but very messy.  There are stacks of clutter, too many clothes and just stuff...everywhere.  Not hoarder quantities, but still a lot of unnecessary stuff.  I was actually excited to move into a small apartment so we could see just how little we really need to be happy.  Turns out, beds are a must!  We get upgraded on Sunday.
Also, we start cleaning out the house Sunday.  We do plan to sell it eventually, as there is supposed to be yet another move, but this time more permanent, coming up in about 6 months.  I'm going to write about getting that house set up, and how difficult it is to sell that particular house in today's market.
Wish us luck!

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